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Helping Your Kids through the Divorce Process

mother and daughter sitting together

If you are going through a divorce, you will have many issues to deal with, none of which are easy. From moving houses to splitting property up, every step of the divorce process is complicated, especially when children are involved. Adults understand why they are getting divorced, but for impressionable children, it isn’t so simple. Which makes it crucial for parents to help their children through this time.

Communicate With Your Kids

Confusion and divorce go hand in hand. If you want to make things as smooth as can be for your children, you should make sure that they're aware of the fact that you're always ready to communicate with them. Ask your kids if they want to know anything specific about the divorce, and be prepared to answer any questions they might have. If your kids want to know what exactly brought on the rift between you and the other parent, try to be as candid and tactful as possible. You don’t want to ruin their relationship with their other parent.

What to Say

When discussing divorce, there are a few key things your kids need to know. Children need stability. A divorce is the opposite of stable, and can just make children feel afraid. Explain to them make what will change in their lives and what won’t change. Knowing what is going on can allow them to see that their whole life isn’t going to fall apart. Also, it is common for children of divorce to think they are the reason for their parent’s split. It is crucial to make sure they are aware that they're in no way responsible for the divorce.

Talk About Counseling

Kids sometimes benefit from therapy from seasoned and qualified professionals. Counseling sessions can do a lot for children of divorce who are trying to sort through their emotions. If you want to assist your kids with all things that involve divorce, then you should perhaps search for a counselor or a therapist who is well-versed in the subject. Try to find a therapist who has a strong background with children who are coping with their parents' divorce. Assistance from "neutral" people can sometimes go a long way for children who are in the middle of tough circumstances.

Focus on the Things That Make Them Happy

Your children might be thinking about all of the bad things happening around them. Instead, help them through this tough time with positive activities. Take your kids on hikes. Motivate them to sign up for art classes, sports teams and other things they are interested in. Encouraging your children to participate in hobbies and activities allows them to focus all their negative energy into something positive.

Divorce isn’t Easy

At the Law Office of Tiffany L. Andrews, P.C., we understand that going through is hard for you and your children. If you need help protecting with your divorce child custody, contact our firm today. Our team is focused on ensuring that you and your child’s well-being and best interests are protected. We will help you reach a favorable and safe resolution in your case.

Call the Law Office of Tiffany L. Andrews today at (916) 794-4576 for assistance with your family law matters.


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