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Embracing Diversity and Serving Our Community


At the Law Office of Tiffany L. Andrews, P.C., we're committed to embracing diversity. As legal professionals, we have an obligation to support the people in our community, regardless of their race, sex, orientation, gender identity, or culture. We intend to do just that.

Recently, the Supreme Court of California released a statement concerning diversity in the US. You can read the full statement here, but there are a few parts we wanted to highlight:

"In view of recent events in our communities and through the nation, we are at an inflection point in our history. It is all too clear that the legacy of past injustices inflicted on African Americans persists powerfully and tragically to this day...

We state clearly and without equivocation that we condemn racism in all its forms: conscious, unconscious, institutional, structural, historic, and continuing.

As members of the legal profession sworn to uphold our fundamental constitutional values, we will not and must not rest until the promise of equal justice under law is, for all our people, a living truth."

Our team here couldn't agree more.

As citizens, and as legal professionals, we must recognize and learn from past failures to pave a better path forward for each other—for our community.

This journey towards justice and equity, towards a better world, may not have an end in sight. If it does, we are far from it. It is a journey we must embark on all the same, recognizing that nobody deserves less than true equality.

Know that our office remains, and will always be, committed to embracing diversity and serving our community.

We'll leave you with this quote by Maya Angelou:

"In diversity, there is beauty and there is strength."

If you're interested in obtaining a consultation with our team, you can contact us online or reach out via phone at (916) 794-4576.
