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Consequences of Not Paying Child Support

sad girl

The purpose of child support is to ensure that the custodial parent is able to care for the child. For noncustodial parents paying support, it is crucial to make every effort to pay child support on time. When support isn’t paid, there are a number of problems that can result.

Income Withholding

If you don’t make your child support payments, a judge can order that your wages be garnished. They will send a letter to your employer. The amount that you get taken out of your paycheck will depend on your disposable income. If you do not have a job, then your unemployment checks can be garnished. You may also get your tax refund taken.

License Suspension

It can be difficult for you to get around if you don't pay child support. You can get your driver's license suspended. If you have a professional license, then you can also get that suspended.

Warrant for Arrest

Because child support has to be ordered by the judge, you can be found in contempt of court. A warrant may be issued for your arrest if this happens. You could be fined. You may also serve jail time if you are several months behind.

Credit Reporting

Child support is considered a high priority by the court, which is why your missed payments can be reported to your credit report. If that happens, then it will be harder for you to get a house or car. You could even have a more difficult time getting a job.

Seek Legal Help Immediately

If you cannot pay your child support, consider reaching out to a California child support lawyer. In some cases, you may be able to get your child support payments modified if your circumstances warrant a change in the support order. At Law Office of Tiffany L. Andrews, P.C., our team can help you determine the best course of action to take next.

Learn how we can help you with your child support case today by calling us at (916) 794-4576.
